Kanto:Route 1 - 3 PotionsViridian Forest - Rare Candy
Veridian Maze leste - TM23 e Horsea Abandonado
Route 3 - Stardust
Mont Moon 1F Tm9 - Starpice - TM12 - Paralize Heal
SS Anne 1F Kitchen - Great Ball, Hyper PotionSS Anne 2F - LeftoversIt's in the trash.SS Anne Ballroom - Leppa Berry, Chesto Berry, Oran BerryRoute 11 - Escape RopeRoute 8 - Lost GrowlitheCeladon City - PP UPRocket Hideout B1F - 2 Super Potions, Hyper PotionRocket Hideout B2F - IronRocket Hideout B4F - 2 RevivesRoute 12 - Rare CandyRoute 13 - Calcium, PP UPRoute 14 - ZincRoute 17 - Rare CandyRoute 17 - PP UPFushia - PP-UPPokémon Tower F1
Sea Foam B4F - Nugget Rope e EscapeCinabar Manssion B1F - Solar Beam e AntídotoCerulean Cave 1F:1. Rare Candy2. Hyper Potion3. ReviveCerulean Cave 2F:1. PP Up2. Zinc3. Ultra Ball4. Full Heal
Tohjo Falls - Crobat
Rare CandyJohto:

Goldenrod Underground Path - Full Heal, 2 Max Ethers, 2 AntidotesUnderground Warehouse - 5 Great BallsGoldenrod Underground Basement - Bright PowderGoldenrod Underground Basement - Miracle SeedNational Park - Full Heal, Super Potion, TM28 Dig, Soothe BellRoute 36 - EtherRoute 37 - Magnet, Sun Stone, EtherEcruteak City - Ether, Hyper Potion, Ultra BallBurned Tower Top Floor - EtherBurned Tower Floor 2 - Nugget, ReviveRoute 38 - HP Up, Thunder Stone, Max PotionRoute 39 - PP UpOlivine City - Pearl, Protein, Rare Candy, and a lost StaryuViolet City - Rare CandyGolden Rod - Abandoned Poké - Spinirak(You surf from the rocks at north of the city, and then all the way down.)
Rota 34 herbs e softsand
Rota 35 - Nugget
Mt.Silver 2F - Rare CandyLove Island:Diamond Domain B1F - Shiny StoneIt's somewhere under the player inside the rocks.Sevii Islands:Island One - StarpieceFive Isle Meadow - PearlWater Path - PearlFive Island Rocket Hideout - LeftoversIt's inside the trash.Other places:Abandoned Desert Village- Sandile? Not confirmedViolet City and Route 44 - Hyper Potion, and PP UpAmazon Forest - Oil Drum has a Poison BarbHere is some other things that may or not be useful.This is a shortcut to the room that has a key on the floor. Specifically inside the Cinnabar Mansion.The guy is hiding in a box. That's it.Some man hiding from his wife in Safari Zone, Kanto. He's selling Shiny Stones for 20000$. Specifically Safari Zone Area 1"I am talking to a tree... I need to see Nurse Joy..."

Vale apena CONFERIR!!!
Pokedex Parte#1 Todas os Pokémons e Locais
Pokedex Parte#2 Todas os Pokémons e Locais
Guia de todos os itens em jogo Kanto e Johto
Adversarios Ginasios Kanto/JohtoAdversarios Elite Four Kanto/Johto
Detonado Parte#1 Detonado Parte#2 Detonado Parte#3 Detonado Parte#4Detonado Parte#5
Detonado Parte#9 Detonado Parte#10 Detonado Parte#11 Detonado Parte#12
Detonado Hoenn
Detonado#14 Detonado#15
Detonado#16 Detonado#17
Detonado#18 Detonado#19
Detonado Hoenn
Detonado#14 Detonado#15
Detonado#16 Detonado#17
Detonado#18 Detonado#19
Dicas - Roubar itens Dicas - HM Waterfall Dicas - Codigos Chat
Dicas - Mew Dicas - Celebi Dicas - Sincronise
Dicas - Pokestops
PΩB - OmegaBrasil Central Party Canal do Parrudo
Dicas - Mew Dicas - Celebi Dicas - Sincronise
Dicas - Pokestops
Areas Extras

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